The operators of health: the top three health factors to consider during a pandemic

    During this time of Covid, health is more important than at any other time. This pandemic has forced many of us to be cautious about things such as how active our lives are, the foods we eat, and our social lives. 

     With everyone quarantined with little to do, people started watching movies and eating more junk food. Now that some quarantine restrictions have relaxed, people have noticed their weight has gone up. According to Doctor Brunilda Nazario, an endocrinologist working with WebMD, about 49 percent of people have gained one to six pounds while 51 percent gained more than seven pounds since quarantine started last March. 

     Exercise and being active is essential for everyone’s health, as exercising makes people feel satisfied and productive. The Department of Health and Aging says exercise prevents health factors such as heart problems while a creating stronger body and overall better mood.

     Working out doesn’t always have to be traveling to the gym. The best ways to exercise could be just by playing sports, walking around the neighborhood or simply taking the stairs. 

     Although exercising is proven to be good for everybody, still not all individuals exercise. The motivation it takes to exercise is not present for others.

     Another way to stay healthy could be by simply improving eating habits and staying consistent with them. A study done by Kansas State University found that similarly to exercising, eating healthy also reduces the risk of having heart problems and many other chronic illnesses. 

     Some simple, healthy, delicious clean foods that can make a difference to the body can be everyday fruits like apples, oranges and bananas. Vegetables like lettuce and potatoes also make great healthy choices.

     Exercise and eating habits are the utmost important part of living a healthy life, but one other important part that might not seem as big is having a social life.

     Being aware of the people in one’s life and feeding off of others energy others affects people personally. The quality of the social activities you participate in matters because, according to the National Institute of Health, negative social relationships can affect people with depression by increasing the risk of early death. 

      Being healthy involves a lot of factors. The bigger ones being exercise, food and social life. The importance of these factors overall make a better and longer life for individuals.